

<script type="text/javascript"/> var typing1 = new Typed(".animate", { strings: ["whoami</br>"], typeSpeed: 120, loop: false, showCursor: false, }); var typing2 = new Typed(".output", { strings: ["<b>Per Astrom</br>Programmer</br>Software Engineer"], typeSpeed: 40, startDelay: 2000, showCursor: false, }); var typing3 = new Typed(".pre-prompt", { strings: ["~$ ^100 ls"], startDelay: 5000, typeSpeed: 120, showCursor: false, }); var typing4 = new Typed(".ls-output", { strings: [ 'id=home href="#">./home</a> <a id=projects href="#work"projects id=about href="#about">about</a> <a href="#left.contact">contact</a>' + , ], startDelay: 6000, typeSpeed: 1, showCursor: false, });

About me

Hello there! My name is Per. I am from Sweden, but live in the U.S. I enjoy translating good ideas (and backlog tickets) into code that pleases both people and machines.

I have a theoretical foundation in a (soon-to-be-completed) Computer Science degree from Bucknell University and plenty of hands-on experience with the most current software development methods from two summers as a full-time software engineer at Warner Bros Discovery, where I coded on both the backend and frontend for the global video streaming application Discovery+.


Mutemate, Mobile App

Instead of having to remember to mute (and "unmute") your phone, make the phone do it by itself. Mutemate automatically sets your phone into vibrate mode when you put it in your pocket (and sets it back to ringer mode when taken out and put away). Made with Kotlin.

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mutemate app-icon

uFly, Gesture-Game

What would it be like if we made a classic runner game but replaced the keyboard with fun and expressive gesture-controls that used the full capabilities of human motion? uFly is a browser-based game programmed in JavaScript using the p5js library.

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space-game in action

Spacemath is an open source mathematical notation system and LaTeX translator that solves the lack of a fast and convenient method for inserting mathematical notation in documents. Spacemath is also compatible with screen readers and recognizes input in multiple languges, including Chinese. Implemented for a client at the American Institue of Mathematics.

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LaTeX bird icon


Thank you for your web-visit!
If you'd like to get in touch, I'm one click away.